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Moria's Race is the first installment of the saga.
Meet Dani's Race!

An open-world, libre game that is continuing the story of Moria's Race.

Dani's Race

From J.Y.Amihud!

Moria's Race is written / directed / modeled / animated / scored by J.Y.Amihud ( also known as Blender Dumbass ). He is famous for making I'm Not Even Human few years ago. And then a very short film with a very long name The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out.

J.Y.Amihud's links:

Business Card Website Mastodon

The second link requires a Tor Browser.


Taking a lesson from works of Nolan and Hitchcock, the movie doesn't use sex or violence to keep you entertained. So it is "Family Friendly". And even more than that, it is "Kosher". Though it is still a thrill.

Respecting Children!

Instead of presenting children as unreliable idiots, Moria's Race throws this ageism out of the window and presents the main characters as capable, even though flawed humans. Kids have less life experience. That is true. But it doesn't mean that they are not amazing. So the movie is spreading the message of respecting children.

Made By Humans!

Moria's Race was not AI-Generated but rather written, designed, modeled and animated by real humans. There was one machine learning algorithm used in the production of the movie and it was IntelĀ® Open Image Denoise. It takes a noisy picture and outputs a picture without noise. It doesn't generate anything on its own.

Open Movie!

Rather than being a part of the copyright industry, Moria's Race is instead Free as in Freedom. It was done with Free as in Freedom Software ( sometimes known as Open Source ). Which include programs like Blender and GNU / Linux operating system. And the movie itself is Free as in Freedom by rejecting the ideals of copyright and injecting the ideas of sharing and community instead. The movie and the movie's source files are under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. Which allows you to share and use the movie and its source files in your projects if you will not forget to give us a credit and use the same license on your project. Source Files Tutorial

Original Score!

Many similar projects rely heavily on music found on the internet to fill out the soundtrack, which ultimately robs the movie from an ability to self-express musically. Moria's Race instead follows an example of great films and has an original score written specifically for the movie. The music was primarily done with Free as in Freedom software Rosegarden, but it also contains tracks with live guitar performance and even one track with live vocals without auto-tune. Moria's Race Soundtrack

Posters: Right-Click to download

4K Wallpapers: Right-Click to download

Thanks to a user named Nasikla, Moria's Race is now also available through:


Other interesting links about the movie:

Making Of Video ( Odysee )
Teaser ( Odysee )
Trailer ( Odysee )
Trailer ( PeerTube )
Moria's Race On Matrix
Tutorials Playlist ( Odysee )
Sound of Moria's Race Without Voices ( Odysee )
Subtitles and translations for Moria's Race ( EN, HE, FI )
Dune Town History ( Moria's Race Lore )

Moria's Race Addons for SuperTuxKart:

Moria ( Kart )
Tali Shtern ( Kart )
Sharon Lively ( Kart )
Michael Hay ( Kart )
Mike Fast ( Kart )
Fredy Funny ( Kart )

Racetrack ( Track )
Dune Town ( Track )
Dune Town Arena ( Arena )
Home ( Track )
Moria's Race Soccer ( Soccer Field )
Kart Track ( Track )

Places where Moria's Race was found. ( Links could be not safe ).

On a website called Kimcartoon
On a YouTube Channel "The Movie Channel" ( The source of the film appears to be Kimcartoon )
On a Website called "ShortVerse"
On a Website called "Film Freeway"
Moria's Race on Trisquel GNU / Linux forum