Paternalistic Laws Make Very Little Sense

There are 3 types of laws: Freedom laws; Power laws and Paternalism laws. Freedom laws are those laws we actually like. Free Speech and things like that are all freedom laws. Some freedom laws are less obvious than others. But if the law makes your freedom stronger, it is a freedom law. Power laws are similar. Some people confuse power laws with freedom laws. Power laws are those that give people power. Most obvious examples are laws about censorship. Or laws that state that you can't criticize the government, some countries have that. Those give power to the government over the people. Power laws are any laws that give anybody power. Taking away somebodies else freedom in the process. But then there are paternalism laws.
How I Started Using GNU Linux
I have just mislead you into thinking that this article is my story of starting to use GNU / Linux. It's more than that. I think I gonna blabber about anything that comes to my mind when I will try to recollect my memories. I have never tried to write a memoir before in a way that is remotely interesting to read. And I will try to do it right now. But don't hope for it to be remotely interesting. I'm such a dumbass that a) I put "dumbass" in my name and b) I wrote "remotely interesting" tree times in this paragraph in an attempt to make you feel a bit better about the nonsense that is about to begin.

Sometimes developers of a program will lie to the user knowing very well that they are lying. This kind of Deception is often implemented as a malicious functionality.
I Just Poored My Depression Into Emacs
You stand nearly motionless in a court. It doesn't matter if you did anything, or if you're there by mistake. The judge and the jury finds you guilty and the reality of the situation doesn't matter anymore. You will be executed. What would be your last few weeks? What would be your last day? What would it taste like to eat your last meal? What would it feel like to walk towards the execution room? What would feel like to stand there while the officers put a bag on your head? What would feel like to die?
Why Morias Race Flopped So Fucking Hard

As you maybe already know ( but actually how would you, nobody reads my articles anyway ) Moria's Race, the movie I've been making for 3 and half years is a worthless piece of shit that nobody wants to see. I could blame people for not wanting to see it. And would be a worthless piece of shit myself doing so, but instead I think I should unleash my deepest fears onto this god forgotten page, so if there is a poor sole actually reading my ramblings, this poor sole could learn how terrible the situation truly is. But to be frank, I am writing it as a form of psychological coping mechanism.
J.U.M.P Limited
Imagine a platformer where you can't jump as much as you'd like. You can jump, of course. What platformer doesn't let you jump? But this time you can jump only limited amount of times. Therefor - Jump Limited.

Sometimes software is just simply Insecure. Which is a lot worse in proprietary software where users can't check the software for Insecurities.
Digital Restrictions Management

Digital Restrictions Management or DRM is any software functionality that is designed to prevent you from using the files on your computer the way you want to use those files. This is obviously a malicious feature. And is defective by design.
There Might Be Delay In My Activity

For the LibrePlanet 2024 I was preparing very hard to make a very good presentation. This meant that I had to be absent from my job. After the presentation I volunteered to help editing the conference to insure that the recording of my presentation was published in the best possible way. Which was, in my opinion a right thing to do, since they didn't have a good recording of the slides, due to technical stuff. And I was able to spot this mistake and recreate the slides for the recorded part of the presentation. I did that not only for my own presentation. But for the entire "Neptune room". Which had 10 presentations.
3 Things Keeping Us From True Freedom

Freedom is something we all fight for. Some succeed more than others. But there is no fully Free society yet in the world. By fully Free I don't mean a total anarchy. This would not be fully Free since it would be possible for people to have power over other people. Which is not freedom already. It's a different form of control. But fully Free means that every person would have the most freedom that person can have without it becoming power. This is very far from the situation right now.
Miami Vice

Good film directors tend to take upon themselves projects that risk being misunderstood sometimes. An artist can't just draw the same drawing over and over. He wants to experiment. Director Michael Mann is famous with his films about crime. And the realistic depiction of what crime and police work actually looks like. But if you are doing this over and over, you tend to become interested in something else. Which is terrible for a director who has fans with certain expectations.
Please Help Me Debunk This Theory

I know that philosophy is not a science. Because it is about what we cannot know, as some smart people out there say. But I've got here a philosophical theory which I want you to debunk. The theory is something I truly believe in, and therefor I'm biased towards it. So I suppose you could be better at debunking it, since you are not me.
Is The DeVault Report a Spiteful Metajoke

Oh god, I'm trembling right now in anticipation of hate coming my way for this article. If you want to attack me, you should look no further than at the article I wrote about the subject matter a few articles ago. Or look no further at my stance on the whole matter which many times I had brought up in various things I do. The plots of my films Moria's Race and I'm Not Even Human directly or indirectly deal with the subject matter at hand.
Breaking The Waves

Lars Von Trier is an interesting filmmaker. He directs mostly very depressing movies that are very hard to watch. Breaking The Waves is an interesting case study in his filmography because on some weird level this is one of the rare examples of a Lars Von Trier film with a happy ending. Even though you could perhaps argue that the ending is nowhere near happy at all.
Chloe just entered the room where Sheiny was sitting all alone and typing away at her laptop. Sheiny was too occupied with her movie-script to notice the presence of Chloe in the room. Chloe was scratching her head. She just didn't know how to explain why certain programs are bad for Ivan even if they are not strictly malware. He understood why being careful is important. After that day when the vigilante almost murdered him, he never ever questioned the importance of being safe. Privacy was at most important for him. But Free Software? That is far beyond what's needed for just privacy.
Sheiny The Hacker

Sheiny The Hacker is a book long in making. If you read my article about "How I Started Using GNU / Linux", you know that this book originally was started as a movie project. But slowly I realized that this type of material is technically legally un-film-able.
Bootstrapping Publicity
Whether you are reading this article from my personal website or anywhere else it doesn't matter much, since I was able to post it in such a way that allowed you to find it and read it. But what if I couldn't do that? Imagine a very simple situation: An editor of a magazine writes an article that the owner of that magazine doesn't like. So he doesn't publish it. Of course that's not the end of the world. The article could be published elsewhere. But what if nobody wants this to be published?
Is BeamNG Drive a Free Software Game

Once upon the time, I remember feeling utterly unpleasant toward playing racing games where cars did not break. I thought that GTA games, for example, were far more realistic because making mistakes and crashing into something is going to break the car and therefor you have to drive more carefully. Yes I was a strange kid. But I did enjoy games such as Flat Out where the objective is to crash your car as much as possible. I think I liked games that simulate reality, rather then those that are just made for fun. You could imagine how excited I was when I saw videos of this new racing game that came out at about 2013 called BeamNG Drive. A game where cars don't just swap body shapes with pre-modeled deformations. But a game that simulates the destruction fully. Using soft body physics. I didn't play it. At first my computer was way too slow and there was no GNU / Linux support. Then the game became paid. Then I changed from being a mere "Linux user" to being a "GNU / Linux user", which meant that this game is not good for my freedom. But is it though?