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Dani's Race

July 24, 2024

Official Website of Dani's Race
Dani's Race

Continuing the saga of Moria and Dani, Dani's Race is a Free / Libre Software video game that aims to compete with AAA titles. The way it's trying to do it are:

- Open World. The game is designed to be an Open World experience, where the character roams around an entire city. That city in question was taken directly from the files of Moria's Race. For which an entire city was built.

- Seamless Gameplay. Nobody likes cut-scenes. So Dani's Race is trying to make the entire game from beginning to end one long game-play thing ( with an option to save ). A new level stars without going to a menu or watching a loading screen or a cut scene. If story beats need to happen, those story beats are scripted into the game world itself.

- Beautiful. There are plenty of good Free Software games out there, but non of them look properly AAA. Dani's Race is trying to solve this by using UPBGE, a game engine with EEVEE for a rendering engine. Which makes it so the game can look ultra-amazing. But not the end, with the new EEVEE next that is in the new versions of Blender. As soon as it makes its way to UPBGE, Dani's Race would look better than AAA games.