This is a publication service from Blender Dumbass ( J.Y.Amihud ). It works like this:

The files are stored locally on J.Y's computer and are not accessible to the public. Until of-course some statistic is being met.

On J.Y's computer there is a script running that constantly checks whether goals of various publications are met. And then updates the codeberg's "pages" pages to have up to date information about the publications.

As soon as the script sees that some goal is met. Like if a certain publication or channel got a certain statistic. The script then automatically uploads and publishes the file in question for everybody to download, use, watch, whatever it is that people want to do with that.

Be aware, the script has latency to avoid over bombardment of API servers and the pages git repository. The latency may vary, but at the moment of writing it is set to 5 minutes.

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