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I'm Stopping To Watch Films

January 21, 2023

I really love cinema! I like to watch a good film. And I like to make films myself. When I did "I'm Not Even Human" I was 100% concentrated at making it because of two things:

- I was excited that I make a film that works and could be done.
- I didn't let myself watch Steven Spielberg's "AI - Artificial Intelligence" ( aka the best film ever made ) until I finish I'm Not Even Human. And what a relief it was to finally ( some years later ) see AI when I finished I'm Not Even Human.

Currently I'm struggling to make Moira's Race ( my current movie project ). I'm procrastinating into every direction, but to work on the movie. And I was wondering what could bring me back to the concentration that I had on I'm Not Even Human.

- I am excited that I make a film that works and could be done. But it doesn't help.
- I am letting myself watch any movie I want. Hm...

I thought whether I should not let myself to watch AI again. That could potentially work. But even during I'm Not Even Human I looked everywhere for a similar film to substitute it. So I think I need to do something a lot crueler.

From tomorrow and until Moria's Race is finished I will not watch any film what so ever. I will be able to look at videos. Anything which is not a movie. But if it's a movie with plot and characters, no matter at what length, I'm not letting myself watch it. I'm not even letting myself watch I'm Not Even Human or other films I made. Apart from Moria's Race itself since I'm making it.

Today is the last day I have to watch some films. And while typing this I see that I have only 5 hours and 20 minutes left of this day. I'm very anxious.

Happy Film-making!


Testing a thing


I don't know if music videos constitute movies.


A test.


When the consumer becomes the creator... Maybe you are just burnt out.