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Why Jews Are Successful

Like it or not, but it seems like a large majority of hate toward Jewish people stems from the rate of Jewish success, which is apparently so large, that people form conspiracy theories, which I would love to be true, about Jewish elite classes or whatever, that rig the system in favor of Jews above anyone else ( actually if I think about this hard enough something like this is theoretically possible, but it would be completely decentralized and almost utterly uncoordinated ) . The truth is perhaps anti-climatically mundane in comparison.

I'm Still Alive

As I said previously in another article I am in a very bad position financially. To the point that back when I wrote it I believed that I might actually be dead. Later I wrote an update that didn't work much as an update, because it was more a philosophical piece about how I want to get out my problems ( as in how do I justify trying to get out of my problems ). So I hope I will not diviate this time around from actually writing an update.

Justification for Money

This is kind of both an update on my current financial state and also a deep dive into philosophy and the ethics of money itself. As you maybe know I am struggling with even basic necessities at the moment. And I might get kicked out of the house. I have a lot more hope now than I had before that. I still don't exactly know how I will pay the rent this months. But judging by my father's tone when he spoke to me about it. It seems like it should not be a problem. I will probably write a proper update ones I get out of this mess.

Paternalistic Laws Make Very Little Sense

There are 3 types of laws: Freedom laws; Power laws and Paternalism laws. Freedom laws are those laws we actually like. Free Speech and things like that are all freedom laws. Some freedom laws are less obvious than others. But if the law makes your freedom stronger, it is a freedom law. Power laws are similar. Some people confuse power laws with freedom laws. Power laws are those that give people power. Most obvious examples are laws about censorship. Or laws that state that you can't criticize the government, some countries have that. Those give power to the government over the people. Power laws are any laws that give anybody power. Taking away somebodies else freedom in the process. But then there are paternalism laws.

There Might Be Delay In My Activity

For the LibrePlanet 2024 I was preparing very hard to make a very good presentation. This meant that I had to be absent from my job. After the presentation I volunteered to help editing the conference to insure that the recording of my presentation was published in the best possible way. Which was, in my opinion a right thing to do, since they didn't have a good recording of the slides, due to technical stuff. And I was able to spot this mistake and recreate the slides for the recorded part of the presentation. I did that not only for my own presentation. But for the entire "Neptune room". Which had 10 presentations.

Is Tolerance The Right Word

I do not know how to put it into words, therefor I'm trying to write this article, but it seems like the question of tolerance / intolerance is the wrong kind of question. And it seems like this poor choice of a word to describe a correct concept lead us into the divide that we are experiencing today.

The Story Of Great Struggle And Near Loss When the Status of Blender as one of Free Software Leaders Was Threatened

The paradox of freedom is by no means a new concept, but it is showing itself in most unexpected places, which are unfortunate sometimes and bring chills down the right people's spines when realized. Thus was the story your writer is going to tell in this wonderful piece of writing. Scary! Truly scary, it was! Battle-scars will appear on the protagonist's flesh, after healing from this experience. How utterly idiotic he was! Almost failed due to an error. Due to an expectation and presupposition that was at most erroneous. But still, how lucky. Because through all those struggles a victory was acquired non-the-less.

How They Made Freedom Illegal

Freedom is illegal. There is not a single country in the world that is 100% Free. And it is not a mistake. If a country is 100% Free the government has no control. And therefor why bother trying at the elections. Right? We all are somewhat familiar with the tactics of how governments make sure that their countries are not free. They use the same 2 boogiemen every time:

Is BeamNG Drive a Free Software Game

Once upon the time, I remember feeling utterly unpleasant toward playing racing games where cars did not break. I thought that GTA games, for example, were far more realistic because making mistakes and crashing into something is going to break the car and therefor you have to drive more carefully. Yes I was a strange kid. But I did enjoy games such as Flat Out where the objective is to crash your car as much as possible. I think I liked games that simulate reality, rather then those that are just made for fun. You could imagine how excited I was when I saw videos of this new racing game that came out at about 2013 called BeamNG Drive. A game where cars don't just swap body shapes with pre-modeled deformations. But a game that simulates the destruction fully. Using soft body physics. I didn't play it. At first my computer was way too slow and there was no GNU / Linux support. Then the game became paid. Then I changed from being a mere "Linux user" to being a "GNU / Linux user", which meant that this game is not good for my freedom. But is it though?

Who Is The Best Person

How do you judge the best? Do you use the Christian moral goodness as a base for justification? You know values like humility, charity and so on. Or do you use the definition of somebody like Friedrich Nietzsche who believed that goodness is measured in quality? You know, beauty, strength, influence... and so on. To be frank, it seems like it is either that the truth is somewhere in the middle or there are two different types of the same thing. It seems like the word "good" means two different things at once.

Overworked And Underpaid

We all heard by now that the situation in Hollywood is not very good at the moment. A lot of Visual Effects artists are overworked and underpaid resulting in some atrocious CGI like in The Flash 2023. Studios even considering replacing those overworked and underpaid VFX artists with AI technology. Because it can make better images and complain less about its conditions at work.

Effort Does Not Equal Views

There was a conversation about a film I made in Blender called Moria's Race. And the main question was "Why doesn't it have views?"

Statistics On Moria's Race So Far

Moria's Race was released 118 days ago on 26th of August 2023. And as of now, I'm aware only of about 604 views across 6 platforms that I track.

Supporting Richard Stallman's Political Discourse On Sex

I have been given a goldmine link by Beans which is an article from a Free Software enthusiast Drew DeVault on his distaste towards Richard Stallman's views on sex. I will be criticizing Drew DeVault's views while supporting Richard Stallman's.

Why Morias Race Flopped So Fucking Hard

As you maybe already know ( but actually how would you, nobody reads my articles anyway ) Moria's Race, the movie I've been making for 3 and half years is a worthless piece of shit that nobody wants to see. I could blame people for not wanting to see it. And would be a worthless piece of shit myself doing so, but instead I think I should unleash my deepest fears onto this god forgotten page, so if there is a poor sole actually reading my ramblings, this poor sole could learn how terrible the situation truly is. But to be frank, I am writing it as a form of psychological coping mechanism.

The Blender Artists Censorship Situation

Blender Artists is a website for blender users to discuss and share blender-related things. Blender is a program to model 3D models and do various other graphics related things. The program is very good and I like it. But the Blender Artists website is the kind of awful place where I don't want to be. Until recently I had an account there but I requested multiple times to delete it ( since the settings do not have this option ). The moderators were fighting with me over deleting of my stuff. They claim if I delete my posts I will ruin the "flow of things" or whatever the hell. So it turned out to be a very complex manual process to delete everything myself. The funny thing is, it all started because they were the once deleting my stuff without me wanting it to be deleted. And now they are fighting to keep me on the platform. What the actual fuck?

3 Things Keeping Us From True Freedom

Freedom is something we all fight for. Some succeed more than others. But there is no fully Free society yet in the world. By fully Free I don't mean a total anarchy. This would not be fully Free since it would be possible for people to have power over other people. Which is not freedom already. It's a different form of control. But fully Free means that every person would have the most freedom that person can have without it becoming power. This is very far from the situation right now.

Entropy Is Freedom And It Increases

Once upon the time there was a group of molecules that was oppressed. And there was another group of molecules next to this one that was also oppressed. Both of them had long established traditions of staying in the group and behaving a certain way. But the oppressed molecules decided to riot. Those on the edge with the other group started mixing together and creating interesting patterns never before seen. Molecules on the far end were confused about all of the movement. Suddenly one or two molecules from the other group traveled to those far regions and were not very welcome by the molecules there. But the mixing continued and patterns became more and more complex, until one time the entire thing was mixed as well as it could be and all molecules were equally spread around.

Moses 40 Years For This Kind of Trip Is Too Much

In 2014 Ridley Scott made a very controversial, seems to be - religious movie - called "Exodus: Gods and Kings" about the life of Moses and his subsequent adventure of saving the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Religious people were mad about the movie, since it tried to show a plausible, realistic way the entire thing could happen. It didn't show God, for example, simply appearing in front of Moses as a burning bush. There was a burning bush and there was God. But before Moses saw those he got hit in the head very severely. So you have a possible explanation for why he saw God in the first place.

Did Hitler Cause The Israel Palestine Conflict

There is a war now. You could call it the Third World War. One front is in Ukraine, a country I was born in. The other is in Israel, the country I live in right now. The war is between Freedom and Dictatorship. Ukraine wasn't necessarily the most free of countries, but it was very trying to become one. And when it started to resemble a good Free Country, Russia decided that it doesn't like it and attacked it. Putin is a dictator of Russia. And a Free County near by is not something Putin wants.

Please Help Me Debunk This Theory

I know that philosophy is not a science. Because it is about what we cannot know, as some smart people out there say. But I've got here a philosophical theory which I want you to debunk. The theory is something I truly believe in, and therefor I'm biased towards it. So I suppose you could be better at debunking it, since you are not me.

Florida Book Bans Situation

In Florida Moms For Liberty together with the governor Ron DeSantis are fighting against the woke. Or as a different group of Moms pointed out, they are practicing fascism in a supposedly Free Country. The situation is hilarious!

The Nightmare Of Paying Online

Cryptocurrency should have been the savior of the world from over-reaching control of governments and banks. But while on paper it could have worked. The reality is way worse. There was a store next to where I live that until a few years ago advertised that they can be paid with Bitcoin. The notice is now removed, probably due to the bursting of the crypto bubble, which lead to a rapid decrease of value of many cryptocurrencies.

Dumb Phones

"You know they are listening to us this very moment?" - said Jake to Tom on a party one night. "What are you talking about?" - Tom was obviously confused. So Jake had to continue - "You know the Facebook app and the Google app on your phone is constantly recording what we have to say to each other, forming an opinions on us. They claim it's for advertising. But they can use it for anything they want. You know?". Tom looked at Jake with a slight smile. He knew he had a very good comeback. After a short pause Tom said - "I use a dumb phone." - and went into the party. But Jake didn't stop feeling bad. Jake didn't use no phone at all.

I Have Finished Animating Moria's Race

Jewish tradition has a prayer ceremony every morning called "Shaharit". Basically you sit ( sometimes stand ) for about 2 hours, reading a bunch of text in Hebrew from a book. Once a big Rabbi was asked "Why, if god loves us, we should suffer through this immense boredom every morning?". His answers was "It's true that it tends to be boring. And it's long. And you feel like suffering the entire time. But what a good feeling you get right when it's over.".

Cameras And Stupid Subscriptions

When hearing that I don't have a smartphone, a lot of people ask me, how the hell then I take pictures. And I always answer that I have a dedicated camera specifically for this. I often argue that it's a way better way to take pictures. You know... The sensor is most likely better. The lens is most likely better. As so on and so forth. And I almost haven't thought about the possibility that a camera can be as bad as a smartphone. But perhaps I was wrong.

SimpliSafe Is Far From Safe

Once in a while, while watching a video on Invidious ( a proxy site allowing to watch YouTube videos in freedom ) I come across a very interesting advertising. SimpliSafe. A collection of home appliances that make security of the home supposedly simpler. And therefor makes your home safer.

Encryption Could Get Illegal To Protect Children

A number of countries are pushing at the moment laws that would undermine everybody's privacy by making it illegal to communicate with end to end encryption. They believe that this will stop criminals. And especially that it will save the children somehow. When an article about this was seen by Sheiny this is how she reacted to it.

School Shootings: More Or Less Guns

It seems like United States of America has a unique problem related to guns. I certainly don't remember being taught at school in Israel or earlier in Ukraine about how to survive a potential gun shooting by a rouge student or other kind of terrible person. Here in Israel they do point us to the direction of a bomb shelter. So we would know where to run when a siren is heard. But that's about it.

Is Agenda Bad For Discussion

The studio was full of people and the host was mentally preparing for the cameras to go live. The cameras started rolling which filled the room with tension. And the producers behind the cameras started counting the count-down. The host touched his tie in a nervous manner, to make sure that it sits nicely. The countdown went - "5 - 4 - 3 - ..." - from that point on, the producers counted only with their fingers, to avoid accidentally being heard counting on the broadcast itself. They showed 2, then 1 and then pointed to the host, which meant that it's the time to start.

Should Paternalism Be Illegal

Sheiny was in Mendel's house that day. She was looking at some random things on her computer. You know... Getting into a yet another rabbit-hole on Wikipedia. She clicked on a link to an article about Paternalism. And on the right side, beside the text of the article, there was a picture with a caption "Child on a leash". The picture is depicting a child with a rope tied to her torso, which is held by an elderly woman. This image infuriated Sheiny to such an extend that for the next few minutes she could not even talk. How dare they?

History Of LBRY And How Odysee Swept It Under The Rug

I'm writing this article for Odysee users. Because here are some shady things that I ( and many other people ) see about the platform.


I showed my movie Moria's Race in a gas station once. A woman came by, saw it and asked me "Is it AI?". I obviously cringed. Because it wasn't AI, it was CGI. And there is a difference. Well technically there was one AI tool that was used. The open-image-denoise denoiser that comes preinstalled with Blender. But it's not really AI. Or is it?

Democracy Is Not Enough

People tend to think of Democracy and Freedom as one and the same. And yes, in the modern world you can expect more freedom from countries practicing democracy. And less freedom in any other form of government. And it's because the two are very much linked together. But since people do not understand both: what are the differences between the two; and what Democracy is really trying to achieve, they get sometimes very confused.

Bootstrapping Publicity

Whether you are reading this article from my personal website or anywhere else it doesn't matter much, since I was able to post it in such a way that allowed you to find it and read it. But what if I couldn't do that? Imagine a very simple situation: An editor of a magazine writes an article that the owner of that magazine doesn't like. So he doesn't publish it. Of course that's not the end of the world. The article could be published elsewhere. But what if nobody wants this to be published?

The Real Steven Spielberg

Yesterday I went to buy myself a hamburger that I allow my fat ass only about once a month or so. When it was time to take the finished package ( since I prefer to eat at home ) the cashier lady called me "Steven". I blushed and felt both amazing and embarrassing. No, she doesn't know that I do movies and that soon a movie of mine comes out. She has no actual idea who I am. That was the first time I ever saw her. It's just when you order something, their machine asks you to write a name, so they could call you when it's ready. Writing my own name would be a horrible privacy problem. So instead I write names of celebrities. And this time I wrote "Steven Spielberg".

The Danger Of Good Intentions

Paternalism - a world view that states that sometimes forcing a person against their freedom, if for their own good, is acceptable. A good example is the collapsing bridge thought experiment. A bridge is about to collapse and you know it for certain. You advertise this fact so people will not go onto the bridge. You put signs. You tell people about it. But somebody still walks toward the bridge with what looks like an intention to cross it anyway. You show that person the signs. No response. You yell at the person "The bridge is about to collapse!". No response either. You realize that the person probably doesn't even speak English. Is it okay to force this person, to reduce his freedom, and force him out of the bridge?

The Psychopathy Epidemic

Psychopathy - a lack of empathy, a lack of remorse. A fascinating topic. Not so long ago an Ultimate Hacker @Troler sent me a video about psychopathy. A normal video basically just explaining what it is. I thought it would bore me. I know what it is. But instead it made me think.

AI The Intellectual Laziness Of Humans

Artificial Intelligence - the last frontier of the electronics. An invention that will alter the course of evolution. For the last few billion years humans slowly evolved an organ that gave us superiority among the animal kingdom. The brain. A machine of logic, reason, curiosity and knowledge. It brought with it civilization. Before there was any civilization people would mindlessly do nothing unless afraid, hungry or horny. Every other animal today just chills most of the time. They don't have jobs. They don't have art. They don't have laws or social responsibilities. Animals are lazy. And humans are not particularly that different from other animals. Since the dawn of civilization we fought against social responsibilities. We fought against hard labor. We fought for our right to do nothing and chill all day long. We invented machine after machine. We replaced hard labor of almost every kind and all due to our superior brain. Until we reached a point where we took it upon ourselves to replace the brain too.

Plausible Deniability

"I think you may like it" - said Mendel to Sheiny one day as he was looking at his TV screen. He was just browsing the web in search of some interesting things to look about and found an old interview with Jacque Fresco who was talking about an idea for a language of the future. He claimed that the languages of today are to vague and allow for multiple interpretations of the same idea, which allows for things like religion to be so successful and for people like lawyers to have successful jobs. And that in the future people would develop a concrete scientific language which will not allow for misunderstandings. Which will make all people understand each other perfectly. And which will put an end to such things like Plausible Deniability.

The Case for Libre JS

There is a problem which requires a problem to solve. There is a freedom to obtain by loosing some freedom. And yet while it's counter-intuitive to some people, what you loose really is not really that which is freedom. Rather it is convenience that which you have to loose. And instead you will get other forms of convenience.

Copyright Made People Do Useless Work

Oh the copyright! The system that many believe is there to "protect" artists from exploitation. But the system that is quite clearly one big exploitation in and of it self. I hope that my readers here have a job. Since I want to draw a very interesting parallel. Would you work if there was no contract? Would you do anything if the person that supposed pay you, would not pay you if he didn't want to? Or you would first sign a contract and then do the job? In the world of copyright, there is no contract to sign. There is no boss that will pay you. You have to risk everything to do something that might or might not interest other people in the first place. And no copyright will save you if you did something so utterly uninteresting that nobody will even pay you for it. Let's explore this!

Debunking A Critique of Free Software by Anonymous

An Ultimate Hacker by the name of Troler sent me an interesting article written by some anonymous writer and published subsequently by Jake Bauer. I already debunked a few anti-free-software and anti-Stallman articles before. But most of them were from either complete imbeciles or corporate imbeciles. This time it seems like the article, which is titled "A Critique of Free Software" is written by a Free Software enthusiast. And by a person that is genuinely interested in the success of Freedom. He criticizes some aspects of the Free Software Foundation that he believes are detrimental to its stated goals. And believes that the goal is not what they tell it is.

Julian Assange vs Josiah Mizukami

Imagine being locked up in prison for something that's legal. And not even merely legal. For something that is a human right. There is this very small human right, I don't know if you know about it, it's called the Freedom Of Speech. An ability to express your opinion without being persecuted for it. And it's more than essential. It's the cornerstone of things like Freedom in general. Sometimes though bad people that are trying to persecute you for this anyway - are smart. And they will look for any other way of shutting you up if this one is not available for them. Good example is Julian Assange. Not so good example could potentially be Josiah Mizukami.

The Ultimate Paradox Of Freedom

Is it freedom to be rebellious? Or is it just an uncontrollable reaction? There is this concept called Reverse Psychology which suggests that sometimes to obtain a wanted result from somebody it's better to push that somebody in the opposite direction. But reverse psychology doesn't work always. Only when the person feels like his or her freedom is at stake. For example when a parent doesn't allow a teenager to engage in a particular activity. The parent might not be an inherently evil person. He might not desire to exercise any kind of power. He maybe just really wants to protect the teenager. But the teenager feels like his or her freedom is being betrayed and taken away. So they rebel. Is it freedom to be rebellious, though? Or is it just an uncontrollable reaction? Is there freedom at all? Or is it just a big paradox?

Schrodinger's Exhibitionism

In Germany by law you have designated areas where people can go Nude. Some areas where people can't, by law, wear any clothes. But other areas where people can't go without clothes. But that will be only a very minor crime. And only if somebody was offended, but people rarely do. In 2016 in Italy a 69 year old man ( nice ) masturbated himself in front of a female student in University of Catania in Sicily. The judge gave him a small fine and ruled the case in his favor. Technically legalizing public masturbation in Italy. Giving rise to a few Italian based exhibitionist porn channels. On the other hand a career of comedian Luis CK was nearly brought to an end when it's been shared that he was masturbating in-front of people too. The Schrodinger's Cat is a thought experiment to explain quantum superposition. Where you put a can into a box with a bomb that has 50% chance of blowing up. Until you open the box, the cat is either dead or alive. He is in a superposition. Let's talk about the Schrodinger's Exhibitionism. Or Exhibitionism in moral superposition.

I'm Stopping To Watch Films

I really love cinema! I like to watch a good film. And I like to make films myself. When I did "I'm Not Even Human" I was 100% concentrated at making it because of two things:

I Just Poored My Depression Into Emacs

You stand nearly motionless in a court. It doesn't matter if you did anything, or if you're there by mistake. The judge and the jury finds you guilty and the reality of the situation doesn't matter anymore. You will be executed. What would be your last few weeks? What would be your last day? What would it taste like to eat your last meal? What would it feel like to walk towards the execution room? What would feel like to stand there while the officers put a bag on your head? What would feel like to die?

Scandal A Promotional Tool

Sheiny was walking back and forth anxiously. Mr. Humbert wasn't sure what's wrong with her. For the last few months she was excited about her new movie that is about to be released. Suddenly she isn't excited anymore. She is extremely nervous. In her mind every single flaw, every single mistake, every single little hazard. All of the stuff that she didn't make the way that would be the best for the film. All of this was tormenting her. The movie is about to be released but it isn't perfect. But worst of all was the fact that she might have overdone the movie's shock. She was filming pornography for nearly a year prior to the film-project. And she was afraid that the movie is too sexual, too gruesome, too strange. She was afraid that it was too scandalous for people to like it.


Chloe just entered the room where Sheiny was sitting all alone and typing away at her laptop. Sheiny was too occupied with her movie-script to notice the presence of Chloe in the room. Chloe was scratching her head. She just didn't know how to explain why certain programs are bad for Ivan even if they are not strictly malware. He understood why being careful is important. After that day when the vigilante almost murdered him, he never ever questioned the importance of being safe. Privacy was at most important for him. But Free Software? That is far beyond what's needed for just privacy.

Steven Spielberg Promotes Sharing

When you make a film, you tent to seek inspiration and advice from those who make good films. Before September my main activities were my job and the articles I write. I did some programming on the side. Like the infamous FastLBRY LBRY client. But that was it.

Paying With Freedom

"Your honor..." - said the lawyer, standing in a court, which was being broadcast on a screen in the living-room of Mr. Hambleton's house - "...there is no denying that my client is guilty in the murders of all of those people that were mentioned in the case so far. The evidence provided by the police are undeniable. The jury would also agree that the fact that my client did commit all those murders are beyond reasonable doubt. And my client doesn't try to conceal this fact either. Right?" - the lawyer looked at the cage standing in the corner of the court room. There was sitting a man. He had chains all over him. Two policemen were guarding the cage itself. The man looked up, exchanged a stare of understanding with the lawyer and said - "I did commit those murders, sir."

Kids Should Be Told More Complex Stories

People are flawed. All of us are. Each has something stupid about. And the funny thing is, it's impossible to avoid people either. We had tried! Lock-downs didn't work. People want to be with other people. And it's preferable that people would be with other people often. Communication is often a key to good psychological state. If we don't want all people to turn to murder maniacs we should never allow lock-downs to happen.

Everything Is a Scam

It was one of those nights that 79th didn't sleep. He and Pito Sage were working on a robot named Bill in Pito's home. It was illegal for 79th to be there. But non of them cared about it. 79th was glad to get out of his usual prison in the Kids Market. And Pito generally didn't care about anything illegal. For example, by law, in the place and time where they lived, connecting an artificial intelligence to an unfiltered internet was illegal. But Pito planned to do just that when Bill will be finished.

AI Evolve vs Preserve

It was a dinner after the premier of Sheiny's movie "Sinking In The Fire". Everybody was present since they celebrated a rather unusual success of the movie. And also they celebrated the reunion of Sheiny's mom and dad. She was still a bit shocked by the identity of her dad. But it was already a few days in. So she started getting used to it.

How I Started Using GNU Linux

I have just mislead you into thinking that this article is my story of starting to use GNU / Linux. It's more than that. I think I gonna blabber about anything that comes to my mind when I will try to recollect my memories. I have never tried to write a memoir before in a way that is remotely interesting to read. And I will try to do it right now. But don't hope for it to be remotely interesting. I'm such a dumbass that a) I put "dumbass" in my name and b) I wrote "remotely interesting" tree times in this paragraph in an attempt to make you feel a bit better about the nonsense that is about to begin.

Forcing Cashless

This article will be strangely related to something I had experienced just recently. And quite frankly somewhat related to the Moria's Race project. I will talk about means, or in this particular case, a mean, that governments sometimes use to push people into doing what the governments like people to do.

Software Trustworthyness Scale

If you leave, suspended in air, an object of any kind, it will accelerate toward the center of the earth at about 9.8 meters per second per second. This is how we measure gravity. On the moon the gravity is only 16.5% of earth's since objects on it's surface accelerate towards it's center at roughly 1.6 meters per second per second. Knowing both values we can see how much more gravity there is on earth than on the moon. And we can decide a bunch of things based on these observations.

The Peach Scene

It was one of those days when Mr. Humbert invited Sheiny and Chloe to watch a random movie in his dirty cinema. They avoided films shot in 16:9 aspect ratio since, well, Mr. Humbert's screen was an ultra-wide, curved CinemaScope. 16:9 films looked rather strange on this screen. But it seems like, this time, they were bored of the ultra-wide movies.

The Boss Fight To Freedom

Chloe took it upon herself to edit the porn-film that they've shot, since Sheiny was busy writing the screenplay for the real movie. Chloe was not stupid. She knew how to edit. She knew what the final product should look like better than Sheiny did. And she assisted Sheiny with editing for some time. This should not have been a great challenge for her.